Monday, July 30, 2012

Review on Shampoo/I am crazy. :)

This is more jumbled then the last two. Sorry.
     A review on the shampoo is a bit more difficult, because I am not conditioning my hair. Another reason this is not as easy to give a review on is because I recently just started using bar soap. I know everyone out there is probably thinking I'm crazy. I also know in the past I have banned my brothers from using bar soap, but I am using gentle handmade or natural soap with lots of oils and such. :-)
      I have been quite happy with the way my hair has been acting. The first day took me aback, I mean, it was a bit frizzy and such... But the next time I used the natural stuff instead I had smooth hair that behaved - at least as much as my hair will behave lol. One of my girlfriends at work couldn't believe I wasn't using conditioner or anything. I think that first day was my hair getting used to being clean without extra chemicals and such. If I had longer hair I'd probably use the shampoo I made, but with my hair being so short I feel like it is just easier to use the bar. My mom says she likes the shampoo, though, and she is not as hippie etc as I am. :-)
     Another thing I love so much about using this method is that I can smell like any essential oil or combination of essential oils that I want, and I prefer those scents to most other scents found in shampoos and soaps.
  A VERY convenient aspect of my new routine is my new ability to feel comfortable going to a shower (as long as I don't need to shave) armed only with a bar of soap, vs soap for the face plus soap for the body, along with shampoo AND conditioner. Quite a difference!
      So! My review and opinion on the use of natural soap/shampoo is that it is worth it. I have a hard time figuring out if it is better value or not, but I feel like if is more, it isn't by too much. This choice does make my hair more manageable, making my life easier. Also, this stuff smell great, making my shower time a better experience. :-) 

     Final decision: this is a change I will stick with.

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