Friday, January 6, 2012

Shadow primer, Urban Decay vs ELF

This chronicles the competition I held between my two shadow primers, ELF - $1 and Urban Decay - $15 (on clearance due to being old style bottle) XL size. 

Also, I am going to apologize for my pictures being taken in different lighting. Also, I am using a cell phone camera. Deal with it. That is all.

Here we have the beginning product. As you can slightly make out, the eye on the right is slightly brighter then the one on the left. I am using CoverGirl's Gold Sizzle eyeshadow, something bright enough to be able to use for a comparison, but (hopefully) not so bright as to look awful should there be a huge difference between the two. The comparison shows that so far, and in my opinion, it is probably not worth the price difference.

Application is pretty similar as well.... Urban decay is a bit more creamy, but nothing too drastic.

Next is a trip to Gold's gym where I do Body Pump (basically cardio weight lifting) and Body Flow (yoga-y class). Two hours worth of sweating and let me tell you I am NOT in shape.

Do you see the creasing on the left eye? The lack of consistency? Whereas the Urban Decay has pretty much stayed in place? Now, mind you, this WAS after 2 hours of working out. The choice of which to get is all up to you and your lifestyle. I tend to be SUPER busy, and lucky if I put makeup on at all, so I want it to stay. I also an a huge fan of super bright colors, so I will continue buying Urban Decay. I will however also continue to buy ELF for the days my eyeshadow isn't so bright, or when it doesn't have to last through as much.

Hope this helps! :)