Sunday, April 22, 2012

We are conditioned to call it weakness,

I call it being human.

Why is it that if we get upset over things, changes, people in our lives we are conditioned to consider ourselves weak? I don't mean upset as in hacked off that someone drank the last of the milk or miffed at the price of gas going up. I mean changes in your life that cause a reaction deep in your soul.

Why is it that people feel that they have no right to get upset? I interpret having no right to be upset as having no right to be human. I am by no means advocating wallowing in pain and sadness to the point of your life going down the crapper. BUT if you undergo a MAJOR change in your LIFE.... Why WOULDN'T you be completely justified in being more melancholy, eating more ice cream and gaining support from friends?? Everyone hits these points in life, and the thing that as a whole we need to realize is that something that would cripple me for days or longer might have no effect on anyone close to me. At the same time, we need to realize that just the opposite is true.

We all have different tolerance levels to different things. Some people can't handle the cold, some can't handle hot food, others hardly have to stand in the sun for five minutes to get a sunburn. Some people look awful in yellow, others are horrendous at math, some are more fit for science wile some thrive in the arts. Why is it that as a collective we can recognize these things and accept them, while not accepting the same ideas in regards to psycho/emotional limits.

Changes, especially ones that create deep reactions within us is how we learn and grow. By being present during another's "growth process" if you will is another way we can learn about the world around us, and potentially learn how to prepare or cope if something similar happens to us. There should be no feelings of shame or weakness for needing some time to heal, especially if major life responsibilities are not met.

Who is really the weak person? The one that avoids getting to emotionally committed in fear of the pain and handles the changes only being hampered or hurt slightly, or the one that give more freely and is therefor hurt more by the changes?

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